Resilience Research Centre

Will pandemic babies live with the effects of their mothers’ stress?
May 20, 2020May 20, 2020

Will pandemic babies live with the effects of their mothers’ stress?

The stress we are experiencing during this pandemic is likely getting under our skin and changing us at a cellular level. This is a frightening situation, but it’s one we can act on by drawing upon Canada’s substantial body of research about human development in times of trauma...

Homeschooling Driving You Crazy? Turn Chores Into Lessons
April 28, 2020April 28, 2020

Homeschooling Driving You Crazy? Turn Chores Into Lessons

During this pandemic, we are all travelling with our children, at least until the schools reopen. While becoming your child’s teacher is more stressful than most parents can handle, this may be a wonderful opportunity to turn everyday chores into lesson plans...

Resilience During a Pandemic
April 7, 2020July 23, 2020

Resilience During a Pandemic

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues and many of us are sheltering in place, there is a tremendous strain placed on both us as individuals and our relationships with family, roommates, colleagues, and neighbors. These tensions can have long-lasting effects on our mental health. The good news is that resilience is possible, but it requires more than just a positive mindset...

Dal Magazine | The Science of Bouncing Back
November 22, 2019December 30, 2019

Dal Magazine | The Science of Bouncing Back

“The idea that if you just think differently you can rewire your brain and change your whole life didn’t make sense to me. I wanted to challenge those ideas.”

The Parent Shift: with Dr. Michael Ungar
September 16, 2019September 16, 2019

The Parent Shift: with Dr. Michael Ungar

What would it be like to have all the golden nuggets from the leading parenting experts? All the strategies and tips to help you raise a child who is prepared for real life?  Lessen anxiety? Handle sibling conflicts? Solutions for social media struggles? I have you covered.  Listen in to my interview on The Parent Shift!...

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Resilience, Adaptive Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice (2021)

Processes of post-war reconstruction, peacebuilding and reconciliation are partly about fostering stability and adaptive capacity across different social systems. Nevertheless, these processes have seldom been expressly discussed within a resilience framework. Similarly, although the goals of transitional justice – among them (re)establishing the rule of law, delivering justice and aiding reconciliation – implicitly encompass a resilience element, transitional justice has not been explicitly theorised as a process for building resilience in communities and societies that have suffered large-scale violence and human rights violations. The chapters in this unique volume theoretically and empirically explore the concept of resilience in diverse societies that have experienced mass violence and human rights abuses. They analyse the extent to which transitional justice processes have – and can – contribute to resilience and how, in so doing, they can foster adaptive peacebuilding. This book is available as Open Access.

Resilience, Adaptive Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice (2021)

Processes of post-war reconstruction, peacebuilding and reconciliation are partly about fostering stability and adaptive capacity across different social systems. Nevertheless, these processes have seldom been expressly discussed within a resilience framework. Similarly, although the goals of transitional justice – among them (re)establishing the rule of law, delivering justice and aiding reconciliation – implicitly encompass a resilience element, transitional justice has not been explicitly theorised as a process for building resilience in communities and societies that have suffered large-scale violence and human rights violations. The chapters in this unique volume theoretically and empirically explore the concept of resilience in diverse societies that have experienced mass violence and human rights abuses. They analyse the extent to which transitional justice processes have – and can – contribute to resilience and how, in so doing, they can foster adaptive peacebuilding. This book is available as Open Access.


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