Hamideh Mahdiani
Hamideh Mahdiani is a doctoral research fellow at the Resilience Research Centre. Hamideh holds both a bachelor and a masters in English literature, and has completed a second M.A in American Literature and Culture from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen, Germany. She is currently in her third year of PhD fellowship with the graduate school of ‘Life Sciences, Life Writing’ at the Institute for History, Theory and Ethics of medicine (GTE), funded by the German research foundation (DFG), as part of the University of Medicine, in Mainz, Germany. Her PhD work deals with narratives of resilience, from both scientific and non-scientific perspectives. Hamideh is interested in how various narratives of resilience structure this concept, for which she looks into life sciences’ understanding of resilience and compares and contrasts it with the one from the life writing perspective. She employs a hermeneutic and paradigmatic narrative look at the novels, memoirs, and the myths about human resilience, besides conducting a ‘narrative identity’ analysis of case studies. Additionally, she is interested in how the individual’s perception of place, culture, and generational stories contribute to human resilience or lack thereof.
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