During the first 3-year phase of the research, the IRP piloted and integrated innovative quantitative and qualitative research methods and collected data with over 1500 children in 14 communities on five continents. We continue to collect data on the applicability of our research tools, both qualitative and quantitative, through partnerships with colleagues in countries around the world. This work continues through out other research projects; Pathways to Resilience, Negotiating Resilience, and Spaces & Places.
The second phase of our project undertakes a number of different qualitative and quantitative research initiatives to further our investigation of the culturally and contextually varied ways resilience is understood, as well as good outcomes achieved by children faced with adversities such as poverty, war, violence, drugs, the illness of a parent, family or community dislocation and cultural disintegration.
Combined, this work aims to enhance our collaborators’ capacities to apply the research findings, seeding action to make our research applicable to those who intervene and those who make policy.
The International Resilience Project’s partners’ and colleagues’ perspectives on resilience can be heard on the IRP Video, ‘What does Resilience mean to you?
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