Publications & Reports
Reports on Research Contexts, 2011
Reports on each of the Pathways to Resilience research contexts were completed by our research partners to illustrate the risks and resources (including policy and law) in the regions that the study is taking place in.
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- Child Youth and Family Services – Labrador
- Child Youth and Family Services – Nova Scotia (with overview of Canadian child welfare system)
- Community based programs and services for youth in Labrador and Nova Scotia
- Education
- Mental health services
- Youth justice in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador
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New Zealand
- Care and Protection: New Zealand
- Education
- Mental Health
- Youth Health and Disability Service: New Zealand
- Youth Justice
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- Chinese youth to protect the legal and policy basis
- Mainland China youth services research
- Young people: An overview of common difficulties and challenges
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South Africa
- Contextualization of South African Pathways to Resilience
- Summary Service Users Report
- Summary Report for School Youth
- Summary Report for the Functionally Resilient
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Research and Evaluation Reports
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Further Articles and Presentation Materials
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The following PDF downloads include further articles and presentation material from the International Pathways to Resilience project:
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- Vulnerable, but invincible? Ecosystemic pathways to South African youths’ resilience.
- (2011). Optentia Researchers at Conference in Colombia. Optentia News, 1(3). 8-9.
- (2011). News from the International Pathways to Resilience Project. Optentia News, 1(4). 12-13.
- Theron, L.C. (2011). Positive adaptation to poverty: black South African students’ tales of resilience.
- Malindi, M.J., Theron, L.C., & Venter, A. (2011). Understanding youth resilience: findings and results from the International Pathways to Resilience project.
- Malindi, M.J. Enhancing youth resilience – emerging lessons from the IPTR study.
- Theron, L. C. (2010). A critical review of South African youth resilience, 1990-2008. ADHASA workshop, Meyerton.
- Theron, A. M. C., & Theron, L.C. (2010). A critical review of studies of south African youth resilience, 1990–2008.
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- Malindi, M.J. Pathways to resilience: formal service and informal support use patterns among youth in challenging social ecologies.
- Malindi, M.J., Theron, L.C. Drawing on strengths: images of ecological contributions to male street youth resilience.
- Malindi, M.J., Theron, A. M. C., & Theron, L.C. Towards an African definition of resilience: a rural South African community’s view of resilient youth.
- Theron, L.C. South Agrican youth are not wimps: reflections on what is indigenous to South African youth resilience.
- Optentia Research Programme. South African pathways to resilience.
- Theron, L.C. Bouncing back! How parents, peers and professionals enable young people towards resilience.
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