Resilience Research Centre

The R2 approach is available as an ‘off-the-shelf’ resilience-building program that any individual, organization, business or educational institution can access for a reasonable charge. Settings can also license a version of the R2 program for use by all their employees and those they serve, offering a cost-effective approach to improving resilience organization-wide.

Each version of R2 shows people how to build important protective factors for resilience that prepare them for everyday stressors experienced at home, work, school or in their communities. Each program provides an engaging population-specific curriculum with plenty of activities based on content previously developed for different settings.


The R2 approach has been standardized for Workplace, Education and Human Services settings. Each Standard Manual contains a different combination of rugged and resourced factors found to be most applicable in that setting. A summary of each of the Standard Manuals can be found below.

Every Implementation of the R2 Approach Will:

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Resilience, Adaptive Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice (2021)

Processes of post-war reconstruction, peacebuilding and reconciliation are partly about fostering stability and adaptive capacity across different social systems. Nevertheless, these processes have seldom been expressly discussed within a resilience framework. Similarly, although the goals of transitional justice – among them (re)establishing the rule of law, delivering justice and aiding reconciliation – implicitly encompass a resilience element, transitional justice has not been explicitly theorised as a process for building resilience in communities and societies that have suffered large-scale violence and human rights violations. The chapters in this unique volume theoretically and empirically explore the concept of resilience in diverse societies that have experienced mass violence and human rights abuses. They analyse the extent to which transitional justice processes have – and can – contribute to resilience and how, in so doing, they can foster adaptive peacebuilding. This book is available as Open Access.

Resilience, Adaptive Peacebuilding and Transitional Justice (2021)

Processes of post-war reconstruction, peacebuilding and reconciliation are partly about fostering stability and adaptive capacity across different social systems. Nevertheless, these processes have seldom been expressly discussed within a resilience framework. Similarly, although the goals of transitional justice – among them (re)establishing the rule of law, delivering justice and aiding reconciliation – implicitly encompass a resilience element, transitional justice has not been explicitly theorised as a process for building resilience in communities and societies that have suffered large-scale violence and human rights violations. The chapters in this unique volume theoretically and empirically explore the concept of resilience in diverse societies that have experienced mass violence and human rights abuses. They analyse the extent to which transitional justice processes have – and can – contribute to resilience and how, in so doing, they can foster adaptive peacebuilding. This book is available as Open Access.


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